At Crescent Holistic Health, our mission is to empower individuals to take control of their health and wellness through education, support, and personalized care. We believe that everyone has the potential to live a vibrant and fulfilling life, and we're here to help you achieve that goal. Our unique approach to holistic health incorporates energy healing to address the whole person, mind, body and soul.
There are two basic types of sessions: Energy Healing and Holistic Health.
Energy Healing sessions are 30 minutes long and can be conducted via Zoom, phone or Proxy (no contact, for experienced clients). The sessions begin with a short update on client progress, after which we will address appropriate energetic layers, using muscle testing and various healing modalities. The sessions conclude with a 5-10 minute healing and rebalancing meditation.
The Holistic Health sessions are an hour long and include a combination of health and lifestyle coaching and energy healing. The time spent on each portion will depend on the needs of the client - some sessions will be an even split while others may be entirely coaching or entirely energy oriented.
Session notes document the highlights of what was addressed along with any recommendations and are shared privately via a secure client portal following each session.
The human body cannot be separated into pieces and parts like a car - it is a unified system comprised of both energy and physiology. More often than not, the site of a symptom is not the site of the root cause. Holistic care takes into account the whole, unique individual to determine what's causing the symptoms and how to fix them at their source.
For example, conventional medicine tends to direct someone who has issues with their heart, lungs and digestion to a cardiologist, pulmonologist and gastroenterologist, none of whom speak to each other. At best, this approach suppresses symptoms. More often, it results in exacerbated imbalances and unnecessary and intrusive procedures. In reality, for this hypothetical person, what's likely happening is that stressors (e.g. emotions, thought patterns, toxins...) have caused multiple imbalances in digestion; poor digestion has led to nutrient deficiency, immune dysregulation and increased inflammation; Acid reflux and circulating inflammatory compounds have instigated bronchial inflammation; and the combination of nutrient deficiency, mounting physiological and energetic stressors, and circulating inflammation has caused cardiac distress.
The truth is that the human body rarely malfunctions. It is a miraculous system that works tirelessly to keep us alive despite the demands we place on it, and the symptoms we experience are its cry for help. Holistic care is the answer to that cry.
Your body knows how to heal itself given a clean, healthy environment and the right tools!
Quantum physicists have scientifically proven that everything is energy, and, at a quantum level, all energy is connected. This means that we are all connected to each other and to everything around us. The breadth of energy patterns around us is vast, and our 5 traditional senses can only detect about 0.01% of that energy. Yet, we are capable of detecting so much more!
With your permission, I use my intuition along with heart-brain coherence to enter into an energetic connection with you. I then use both intuition and Applied Kinesiology, aka 'muscle testing,' to ask your subconscious what it needs so your body can heal. Once we identify the imbalances and trapped energies, we can clear them and move on to the next question.
The short answer: just about anything! Everything is energy and our 'physical' bodies grow into our energetic bodies. Thus, if our energetic body is imbalanced or unhealthy, dis-ease is sure to follow. Whether these imbalances manifest in emotional troubles such as depression, anxiety, or anger; physical troubles such as allergies, joint pain, headaches, high blood pressure, or heart palpitations; chronic symptoms such as muscle pain, auto-immune disorders or insomnia; or behavioral concerns such as anger management, addictions or procrastination, this modality aims to heal the energetic body such that your 'physical' body is better positioned to heal itself.
This is not for diagnosing anything, nor is it to cure any diagnosis. A diagnosis is simply a label for a collection of symptoms. Energy healing looks for trapped energy and imbalances at the root cause of symptoms. It's about cleaning out energy that's getting in the way of the body healing itself.
Energy healing is also not talk therapy or counseling. Your clearing will aim to disempower any traumas, blocked energies or memories that seem to be controlling your life by disarming the energy that gives them power - like unplugging a lamp. Rehashing the original event is both unnecessary and discouraged. If counseling or talk therapy seems needed, I'm happy to refer you to a qualified professional.
Energy healing is a scientific process, bridging the gap between science and spirituality, without preference for or conflict with any religious belief system that promotes love and forgiveness. Common fears borne of misunderstanding around energetic modalities hold that negative spirits or entities may be called upon or allowed to enter during sessions. Not only do I only operate in the realm of Light, but I also actively shield and protect sessions to ensure any energies that seek to interfere are kept away and/or removed if they are already present before our session.
Yes it does! In fact, my first "client" was my highly anxious and extremely skittish cat. He was a rescue and would not let anybody near him in most cases. I spent about 10 minutes clearing a few energies, just to see what would happen. That evening, he crawled into my lap!
Actually, because everything is energy and everything is connected, this modality can work on literally anything. I've also cleared plants and houses!
Truthfully, no two practitioners are alike in their methods. Functional and Energy healing is as much about knowledge as it is about intuition. Every practitioner has a unique energetic signature to offer, and every practitioner is also dealing with personal wounds that could influence answers if proper energetic separation is not established. Ideally, the best way to get an accurate reading on your health is to train yourself to receive clear guidance then to read yourself. Unfortunately, most do not have the time or patience for this. (If you'd like to get started, see the FAQ below about becoming certified. You can download my Muscle Testing training to start learning how to test yourself and others!)
When choosing a practitioner to help you, choose someone who resonates with your energy. Simply close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and envision working with that person - what feeling do you get in your gut? Is it excitement or peace? Or is it discomfort or fear? Trust that instinct. If it's not a good fit for you, that's OK - we all resonate differently with others. It doesn't mean that practitioner is bad, it just means they're not the best match for you. Remember that this is remote work, so you can choose anyone in the world who speaks your language.
My ever-evolving techniques involve The Emotion Code, The Body Code, Investigating Health (IH), Investigating Brain (IB), Investigating Quantum (IQ), the influence of Dr. Joe Dispenza's advanced meditation methods, and countless other bodies of information and modalities that I continue to learn and adopt on a daily basis. Additionally, I am immersed an intense curriculum to certify as a Functional Medicine Coach through the School of Applied Functional Medicine (SAFM) so I'm able to help clients address diet, lifestyle and nutritional challenges that are prolonging their imbalances. I will never stop learning and growing for you!
No. Energy work is as much of an art as it is a science. There's always a human factor involved that may influence when and how energies come up. The good news is that if some of the reading is inaccurate, the worst that can happen is nothing. You will be pleasantly surprised, however, at just how accurate the readings can be, and you'll be relieved to witness your symptoms subsiding.
As a functional practitioner, I am able to order lab testing as necessary to help confirm suspected dynamics.
Our hearts generate very powerful electromagnetic fields that can extend six feet or more around our bodies when healthy. I'm sure you've been around some people who just make you feel happy and calm - you're probably experiencing their heart chakra!
The heart is also a brain. Did you know that your heart contains neurons and that it has its own memory? It's so powerful that heart transplant recipients have inherited memories and behavioral tendencies that belonged to the donor!
Unfortunately, as we go through life and experience "heartache" or "heart break," our subconscious attempts to dull the pain by stacking trapped energies in the body around the heart. While helping in the short term, over time this energetic "wall" can become a big problem. It will stifle your energetic connection with others; prevent you from giving and receiving love fully; sabotage your relationships; or keep you from reaching goals or pursuing dreams. It can also manifest into physical issues such as pain in the neck, chest, back and shoulders; irregular blood pressure; heart arrhythmia; and palpitations.
For a typical adult, clearing a Heart-Wall can usually be accomplished in about 5-10 minutes. Once clear, you'll be amazed with how much better you feel! Many I've worked with have started noticing synchronicities showing up in their lives soon after - new relationships, a breakthrough with their jobs, hitting all of the green lights, etc... no kidding!
It's worth noting that various energetic barriers such as walls can be built around any organ or system in the body, and even around ideas such as health and abundance.
Yes, all sessions are accomplished remotely, either with or without live interaction. Energetically, we are all connected to the same field, allowing subconscious interaction when permission is given. For children, pets or unresponsive individuals, the permission of the guardian or next-of-kin is required.
Many report feeling ‘lighter’ and ‘uplifted’ immediately following a session, and symptoms we addressed will often begin to subside right away. Others may not experience any immediate change and may need multiple sessions to see a difference. About 20% will feel ‘off’ for a day or two after the session, sometimes experiencing mood swings or re-experiencing the released emotions as their body adjusts to a new equilibrium. I've learned to help minimize this rebalancing discomfort by conducting a short meditation at the end of each session.
Yes, if you're ready to heal and keep an open mind, you'll notice differences. I can't tell you how many times I've received shocked responses from clients in utter disbelief that it 'actually worked,' even after years of unsuccessful 'traditional' interventions.
The short answer is 'no,' it's much more than the Placebo Effect - we're influencing actual energy movement. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. (As a side note, some people can feel the energy moving during the sessions.)
Let's talk about the Placebo Effect for a moment. What is it? It's essentially the act of your body healing itself just because you believe an influence you're experiencing is going to work. Is that a bad thing? Every modality or intervention you try, whether it be pills, exercise, natural or allopathic medicine, comes with a certain degree of either Placebo or No-cebo Effect. That is, either you do or you don't believe it will help you, and those beliefs can work with or against your chosen intervention to various degrees. The power of the mind is undeniable and it will never not be a factor in your recovery. So why not keep an open mind and allow positive expectations to enhance your experience?
Everyone is different. The speed at which you recover is directly related to your willingness to receive this modality, your readiness to heal, and universal factors. Spontaneous recovery is absolutely possible under ideal circumstances, yet I recommend at least three sessions to start. Even once the initial symptoms are gone, you will find other imbalances that need attention once we peel back the layers of energy. Some will see big differences right away while others will take longer. The subconscious mind will let go only as quickly as it's ready. Your willingness to change factors in your external environment that are stifling your health can also make a big difference in your path to recovery.
In general, the longer a condition has been present, the more energetic 'layers' will likely need to be addressed to get on a healing path.
For energy-only sessions, it is recommended to space your first sessions about a week apart to gain momentum in healing. Once you're on the path to recovery, once every 2-4 weeks is a good pace for maintenance.
For coaching clients, we will accomplish a 90-minute intake appointment followed by two 1-hour sessions per month for three months. After the initial 3 months, several options are available for continued care depending on what's needed for your unique journey.
No! As imbalances and trapped energies are identified, you may re-experience some of the feeling and memories, yet I encourage you to breathe and let them pass. It can be a very emotional experience, but it's an experience that brings relief rather than causing new pain. Many times, you might not remember where the trapped energy came from, and that's OK - as long as your subconscious is ready to let it go, we can remove it without further investigation.
No, this is is not a counseling session, although sometimes a little life coaching becomes necessary to eliminate factors that keep re-installing the same root-cause energies.
As we identify energies and imbalances to correct, we will often need to identify some other information about the event before the subconscious is willing to let go. Usually, this amounts to the approximate age of occurrence and sometimes who was involved. I only ask what's necessary to know, then I release it and we move on. If a memory comes up and you want to confirm that it was the culprit, you can simply ask if the memory in your mind was it, and I can answer 'yes' or 'no.' There's no need to divulge details.
Great! We need more healers in our world! First, purchase and read The Emotion Code by Dr. Nelson. From that, you can begin practicing on your own family.
If you'd like to become an energy practitioner, follow the "Become Certified" link under the Resources tab of this site to enroll in The Emotion Code training. This course takes you through online videos, then you'll need to complete a practical portfolio by performing clearings on about 20 people and animals. You'll have up to 6 months to complete all requirements.
Once certified in The Emotion Code, you are allowed to move on to The Body Code training. You'll want to subscribe to The Body Code app and play with it on yourself and your family before starting the training. Again, you'll have 6 months to complete the coursework and portfolio which is much more in-depth than that of The Emotion Code.
Perfect! It's a fantastic education you won't regret. Message me that you're interested and I'll alert you the next time there's open enrollment. In the meantime, you can visit for more information.
As a Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner (CECP, CBCP) and a Level 3 student of the School of Applied Functional Medicine (SAFM), I am excited to share my passion for natural health and healing to anyone who's willing and ready!
Like most, I didn't start out on this path. In fact, until about ten years ago, I would have viewed someone similar to my current self as "crazy." I can honestly say that my awareness of the world has become more and more clear as I've expanded my thinking beyond our societal training.
I was born and raised in California, brought up in a relatively strict, disciplinarian environment. I then followed in my father's footsteps to attend the US Naval Academy. I graduate with a BS in Physics and went on to earn my aviator wings. About 9 years of active duty took me through a tour in Atsugi, Japan as an H3 pilot; followed by a tour in Naples, Italy as a C26 pilot.
After separating from the navy, I spent 5 years working for Lockheed Martin in an international business development capacity.
And then came my beautiful babies. A need to be home more took me from a corporate career to that of a REALTOR.
Over the years, various events in life - from concern for the health of my children to the trauma of losing dear friends and family members to horrible disease - have caused me to ask deep questions, expand my thinking, and learn to trust my intuition.
I've discovered a whole new realm of knowledge and energy, and I believe it's my purpose in life to use this information and my developing skills to help others. What began with study of The Emotion Code has blossomed into a full practice also involving The Body Code; Investigating Health (IH), Brain (IB) and Quantum (IQ) protocols and training; advanced healing meditation techniques based on the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza; ongoing Functional Medicine training through The School of Applied Functional Medicine (SAFM); and a plethora of other skills adapted through research and experience. I will never stop learning and growing to do my part in healing this world.
Love and light to all!
Copyright © 2020 Crescent Clearing, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
Information and services provided on this site or through Crescent Clearing, LLC, are in no way intended to diagnose any medical condition, nor to prescribe or replace any treatment for medical conditions.
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